How far along: 36 weeks
Maternity clothes:Yes! I feel like all my pre-pregnancy clothes are going to be ruined with how much they're getting stretched out!
Stretch marks: No, let's hope it stays that way.
Sleep: What is sleep? ha I seriously cannot sleep. Jeff says I keep him up all night because I move around so much.
Best moment this week: Going to Cafe Rio with Jeff. I love Cafe Rio, and spending time with my hubby!
Have you told family & friends: Yes!
Miss anything: Sushi, sleep, putting on my own shoes, my old clothes. I miss lots of things nowadays lol
Morning sickness: Nope.
Movement: Oh my goodness yes, Blake is like all sorts of cray cray! But I love feeling him move around, as long as it's not in my ribs!
Food cravings: Recently, I've just been craving liquids. Like orange juice and lemonades. Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nopeee
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit! haa
Gender prediction: Boy!
Labor signs: I've been cramping a lot lately, and I've been contracting, but irregularly.
Belly button in or out: OUT! Yuck.
Wedding rings on or off: Off, my ring literally goes to my knuckle.
Happy or Moody most of the time:Prolly moody, just because I haven't been feeling my greatest though. But today Jeff told me, the worse I feel the nicer I am. ha I don't know about that, but that's what he thinks! ha
Looking forward to: Meeting my Blake!!
Food cravings: Recently, I've just been craving liquids. Like orange juice and lemonades. Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nopeee
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bit! haa
Gender prediction: Boy!
Labor signs: I've been cramping a lot lately, and I've been contracting, but irregularly.
Belly button in or out: OUT! Yuck.
Wedding rings on or off: Off, my ring literally goes to my knuckle.
Happy or Moody most of the time:Prolly moody, just because I haven't been feeling my greatest though. But today Jeff told me, the worse I feel the nicer I am. ha I don't know about that, but that's what he thinks! ha
Looking forward to: Meeting my Blake!!
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