So as most people know, Jeff and I are pregnant! We couldn't be happier! We know we're young, and we know we haven't been married for long, but we so excited to start our family together. I've actually had a lot of customers at work comment on it, saying things like, "Are you ready for a baby?" or "Don't you think you're a little young?" But I've always been one to believe that you're never going to be ready for a baby. You'll never have enough money for a baby. You'll never be prepared enough for a baby. You'll never think your at the right age for a baby. You'll never know enough about a baby. The only thing that will prepare you for a baby, is a Baby! So on that note our baby is scheduled to arrive October 13th.
But I really wanted to be more consistent with blogging throughout my pregnancy (as silly as Jeff thinks it is) just to have something fun to look back on. So here we go!
How far along: 13 weeks, 1 day
Maternity clothes: My mom actually just got me a couple cute tops, a dress, and a belly band. I've gotten a chance to take a look at maternity clothes, and let me tell you, they are not cute! And I'll be the first to admit, that working at Buckle has turned me into a jean snob. I've looked at maternity jeans and refuse to wear them! Ew. ( I say this now, but I'm sure I'll have to give a couple months down the road)
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty normal lately. I've been a way more tired than usual. But, besides that I've had normal sleep except for the nightly trips to the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Going to Sonic with Haley! I never get to see my best friend anymore, so when I do it's great catching up!
Have you told family & friends: Yes! We just let everyone know last week. It was killing me! I just wanted to shout it out and tell everyone!
Miss anything: My normal nose! I feel like everything is powered to the 249857209x's! It drives me crazy! If the smell doesn't make me want to eat it, or throw up, it gives me a headache.
Morning sickness: Not too much. The worst is brushing my teeth, that's what starts the gagging, then it leads to the toilet.
Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Garbanzo beans, Gatorade, and Jack in the Box tacos.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything garlic or oniony! Yuck! or freezer meals. Before I found out I was pregnant, I made 8 freezer meals just to put in the crock pot on days I worked late. And the minute I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't even look at them! They make me gag!
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bump, but little enough to make my jeans tighter!
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On, it's actually looser
Happy or Moody most of the time: It's a good half and half. I feel like I'm all over the place. I honestly feel bad for Jeff. The other night he was doing homework all night and I went to bed crying asking him if he even loved me anymore because all he wanted to do was homework! ha
Looking forward to: Finding out what I'm having!!! My doctor won't do the gender ultrasound until I'm 18 weeks! So 5 more to go.
You look greatttt! I wish I would have documented my pregnancies better!
OMG!! Congrats!! I am so excited to follow your blog thru your pregnancy. You look amazing! (like always) Lets face facts, even if the maternity clothes look ugly you will make them look hot!! :D In regards to jeans, you can do what my sister-in-law is doing and just leave them unbuttoned (you can't even tell!)
Well keep blogging mama can't wait to read more up on your pregnancy progress.
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