At church today, we had a really good speaker. She spoke about a couple different things, but she spoke about somethings that stood out to me more than others. She talked about the atonement and how lucky we are that Jesus took upon all the sins of the world for us. (Alma 7:11&12) She said something along the lines of how sometimes when we are going through trials it's difficult not having a family member or friend there with us comforting us telling us things will be OK because they have gone through the same thing. But when something like that happens, we need to turn to our brother, Jesus Christ. He knows exactly what we are going through. He knows exactly how it feels. He knows exactly what we need to feel comforted in that situation. So we need to turn to Him and bare all things so that we can be calmed and comforted. I really enjoyed her talk. I was talking to one of my friends today about how I should just move somewhere so I can start over because nothing is happening for me here in Vegas. And it wasn't until after I said that, that I realized how selfish I was by saying that. I am probably the most impatient person you will ever meet. I hate waiting in lines. I hate waiting on people. I just hate waiting. And I just need to learn that the Lord's timing is always better than my own. Even though I think that it's about time that something amazing happens in my life, the Lord knows that it's not time yet. I need to be much more patient than I'm being now. Patience is enduring well, it's a purifying process that refines us. I need to have faith in the Lord. Come what may... and I'll love it.
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