Thursday, January 27, 2011
I love cereal.
Had school today, no work, thank goodness. I've been so wore out. Working 9 to 5 then going to class til 9 at night. I'm just tired, and it's only the 2nd week of school! The other night, I got really bored and started cleaning my room. For those of you that don't know, I am a hugeeee pack rat. I'm not messy, I just can't seem to throw things that I don't need away. For instance, I have notebooks and binders clear back from jr. high. Just tons of things that I don't use and don't need. Anyyyywhoo, I just got in the mood to clean so I grabbed garbage bags and started tossing stuff. I ended up finding a bunch of really old journals. I read through all of them, and it was so interesting to see where I was in life, and how I perceived things. Looking back to when I wrote those journals, I'm kind of like "What was I thinking?" At that point in my life I had a specific plan for my life in mind and didn't think that my plan would not follow through... and it definitely fell through. It's just so weird how much things change in such a short amount of time. Needless to say, I have a spotless room and a new plan for me.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
you will find peace&happiness in mind&heart. -Panda Express
So, I had a pretty great day today. I went to work. Then after I went to dinner with my family. My grandparents came along too, so that was really great. For those of you who don't know my grandpa dave, it's a shame. He is probably my favorite person ever. He was telling Cass and me about a phone call he got today. It was this lady asking him about something dealing with work, he answered the question and expected just to hang up. The lady then said "You know, all of the people I work with over here are mormon, and I know you're mormon. And you guys are so nice and are always trying to improve things, but why do all of these Bible groups I go to talk about how your religion is a cult?" *Just so you all know this is one of my favorite LDS questions I get asked. I always respond by telling them that we are in a cult and it's great, and they should join us.* My grandpa, having a way better answer than me, told her that we aren't a cult, we are Christians. If you look at what our name is, it's a dead give away who leads our church, The Church of Jesus Christ. But my grandpa ended up on the phone with this woman for awhile just teaching her about the church. It turns out that she had been talking to her grandson and he had told her how he loved being around the guys from school who were mormon because they were so nice and he loved the feeling he got when he was around them. I loveeee stories like this. Hearing this, it just made me wish that I could be a missionary. I would be able to answer questions people have if someone were to ever come to me with them. I've always wanted to go on a misson, so maybe one day I will. I guess I'll see where I'm at in my life when the time comes.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Started school today. It was kinda nice to get back into the swing of things. Whenever I'm in school, I feel much more intelligent. I love it. haha So I came home today and was sitting at the dinner table with my madre and my hermana and we were talking about something that made my sister a little upset. So me being the awesome sister that I am, I put the song 'nearer my god to thee' on while they were talking and immediately she started to feel better. Once she realized it was playing she said how calm it made her feel. I think it's so amazing how something as simple as a song can calm you down when you're stressed about things. I love it.
There let the way appear steps unto heaven. All that Thou sendest me in mercy given.
Angels to beckon me nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee.
Monday, January 17, 2011
you know I don't speak spanishhhh
I had some technical difficulties, but have no fear, I'm backk. So I start up school tomorrow. I really hope that this semester will go a lot smoother than last semester. Fall semester was not a good semester. I struggled a lot with my classes and was always stressed out. Now, for those of you who don't know me very well, I am a FREAKKKK about school. I have to do well. I don't approve of anything lower than a B. So during school, I'm constantly doing homework and studying. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to do all that work and always being worried about school. So fingers crossed that this semester will go smooth!
Soooo, in relief soceity, our lesson was about learning to love to work. When I heard what the lesson was, I was a little bummed out because who really likes to work? Not this guy. But listening to the lesson made me want to learn to love to work. So today, I walked into work bright and early at 8 am with a smile on my face hoping that it would make my day better. Anddddd sure enough, my day went pretty awesomee. The day went by faster and I just was in a happy mood. I liked it. So I think I'm going to try to stick to this until I fall in love with work! How exctitinggg!
Soooo, in relief soceity, our lesson was about learning to love to work. When I heard what the lesson was, I was a little bummed out because who really likes to work? Not this guy. But listening to the lesson made me want to learn to love to work. So today, I walked into work bright and early at 8 am with a smile on my face hoping that it would make my day better. Anddddd sure enough, my day went pretty awesomee. The day went by faster and I just was in a happy mood. I liked it. So I think I'm going to try to stick to this until I fall in love with work! How exctitinggg!
Friday, January 14, 2011
big gulps huh? welp, see ya later..
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011

At church today, we had a really good speaker. She spoke about a couple different things, but she spoke about somethings that stood out to me more than others. She talked about the atonement and how lucky we are that Jesus took upon all the sins of the world for us. (Alma 7:11&12) She said something along the lines of how sometimes when we are going through trials it's difficult not having a family member or friend there with us comforting us telling us things will be OK because they have gone through the same thing. But when something like that happens, we need to turn to our brother, Jesus Christ. He knows exactly what we are going through. He knows exactly how it feels. He knows exactly what we need to feel comforted in that situation. So we need to turn to Him and bare all things so that we can be calmed and comforted. I really enjoyed her talk. I was talking to one of my friends today about how I should just move somewhere so I can start over because nothing is happening for me here in Vegas. And it wasn't until after I said that, that I realized how selfish I was by saying that. I am probably the most impatient person you will ever meet. I hate waiting in lines. I hate waiting on people. I just hate waiting. And I just need to learn that the Lord's timing is always better than my own. Even though I think that it's about time that something amazing happens in my life, the Lord knows that it's not time yet. I need to be much more patient than I'm being now. Patience is enduring well, it's a purifying process that refines us. I need to have faith in the Lord. Come what may... and I'll love it.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Proverbs 3:5&6
So sometimes when I'm having a hard time with something, I like to randomly open my scriptures and read a verse.... Usually that scripture will always help me with the problem that I am having. (SO just a little back ground info... I've had this problem that has been on my mind lately and I was asked to pray and fast about it, so I did. I got my answer and didn't like it. So, I began the process again. Fasted. Prayed. Same answer. Didn't like it. But the "problem"... let's say got the same answer and took care of things.) Anywayssss, so today I opened up my scriptures and I was in Proverbs. And I was a little hesitant to find my "Scripture of the Day" in the Bible, I usually like ones in the Book of Mormon better, butttttt our lesson in Sunday school was about how we need to read the Book of Mormon and the Bible equally. Soooo I decided to stay in Proverbs. So I closed my eyes and pointed to a scripture... and sure enough, it's a scripture that goes with what I have been dealing with.
Proverbs 3:5&6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
So after reading that I felt like an idiot for questioning the answer my Heavenly Father gave me about my problem. But after reading that, I had this reassuring feeling come over me, and I know that everything will work out in my favor. The Lord is on my side and I can't lose with that. I found a quote from President Hinckley that I really loved. It's nice knowing that I'm never alone and I always have Him to count on.
"Never assume that you can make it alone. You need the help of the Lord. Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him. What a marvelous and wonderful thing is prayer. Think of it. We can actually speak with our Father in Heaven. He will hear and respond, but we need to listen to that response. Nothing is too serious and nothing too unimportant to share with Him."
--Gordon B. Hinckley
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Helaman 3:35
Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.
Read this scripture tonight, I really liked it. So there you go.
Read this scripture tonight, I really liked it. So there you go.
Monday, January 3, 2011
I've always been one to think that everything happens for a reason, and that one thing will lead you to another whether it's better or worse than what you had before. And up until this point in my life I think I've had pretty good timing with things considering all that I have going on. But now, I've had nothing but bad timing. I need to remember that God has a special plan for me and I'm only being tested right now. He is wanting to see how I handle myself in these situations of bad timing. I should be excited to have these trials and to prove to my Father in Heaven that I can do what He would want me to do.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
new year, new changes.
So, I figured since it was a new year, I would actually try to keep up with my blog. I can't say that my life is super amazing and interesting and everyone will be so excited to log on to read my blog, but I want to keep a blog for me. Just for my own keepings. I can't say that 2010 was my year. It definitely wasn't the best. So I'm hoping that I will be able to makes some changes in my life and make 2011 MY year. I have a TON of new years resolutions and I intend on keeping them. The resolutions that I've made will definitely help me come closer with my Heavenly Father and make me a better person. What else could I ask for? In relief soceity today, we had a lesson about being born of God and having Christ in our countenance. It made me think of something that happened to me years back. I think it was back in 2007. I was at a conference with my mom and Jeffery R. Holland spoke. After the conference, Elder Holland made his way down from the pulpit and was shaking peoples hands. I was too nervous to go over to meet him, plus there were tons of people already surrounding him.I remember thinking it was amazing to listen to him, let alone be in his presence, so I concidered myself lucky with just that. I continued the conversation I was having with my mom when I noticed Elder Holland was walking up to me. He put one of his hand on my shoulder and with the other he took my hand. My heart was just POUNDING. I was sure he would be able to see it. And with the biggest smile on his sweet face, Elder Holland said to me, "You're countenance is just glowing." I don't think that I have ever felt that amazing in my life since that moment. I think I had forgotten about this event for awhile and my relief soceity lesson made me think of it today. I want to make sure that I am always striving to do and be my best so that I can be privileged enough to have Christ in my countenance. And this year, I will make sure that happens.
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